Brian Brooks

Brian grew up in a religious family, but it was in college that he came to true faith in Jesus Christ. After becoming a favorite “target” of campus Christians, Brian decided to read through the New Testament as a way to find answers. He became fascinated with Matthew’s Jesus. Brian recalls, “I was drawn into the narrative and imagined myself to be part of it. I wondered how I would have responded to Jesus, had I lived in that
day. Gradually I realized that I would have to respond to this Jesus in the present day.”
Brian got his start in Christian radio in 1980 at a small AM station. Within two years, doors were opened for him to serve the Lord at one of the region’s largest and finest Christian stations. Over the years he has been heard on-air throughout Western Pennsylvania and Northeast Ohio. Locally, Brian co-hosted morning drive at WHLO-AM in Akron during the 1990’s, and served with our own Mark Zimmerman at Cleveland’s WCRF-FM.
Brian currently produces two weekly radio broadcasts for area ministries, one of which is broadcast nationwide on over 180 stations. In addition to keeping busy in broadcasting, Brian serves as pastor at Living Hope Church in East Canton.
Brian has lived in Northeast Ohio for a total of over twenty years. He and his wife Ellie currently reside in Stark County. They have two adult daughters and two younger daughters still navigating the waters of middle and high school.