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Special Book Offer From Heartfelt Radio!

TELL SOMEONE: You Can Share The Good News

Let Evangelist, pastor, and author Greg Laurie be your coach to improve your personal evangelism skills!
Jesus has commanded Christians to go into all the world to preach the Gospel and make disciples.  But many Christians today don’t know how to start the conversation with those who need Christ or what to say.  They simply need a plan for personal evangelism.  In Pastor Greg Laurie’s book, TELL SOMEONE: You Can Share The Good News, he provides the biblical tools you need to be a personal witness and soul-winner for Jesus Christ!  Keeping it real, he also shares some of the successes and failures he’s had when witnessing.  It’s a book designed to encourage and equip you to effectively tell Jesus’ story with others and what He’s done for you.           

Tell Someone: You Can Share The Good News can be yours for a gift of any size to Heartfelt Radio between now and March 31st, 2025!  Click on the “DONATE NOW” button above to make your gift to WKJA safely and securely.  Be sure to type the words “Tell Someone” into the note section so we know you’d like a copy of the book.

You can also send your gift through the mail to Heartfelt Radio, PO Box 442, Barberton, OH 44203.   Be sure to write “Tell Someone” on the memo line of your check.

Tell Someone_Book Cover Image

Donate Your Vehicle To Heartfelt Radio!

Your old car, truck, or RV could keep Heartfelt Radio's mission on the road!  When you donate your vehicle to Heartfelt Radio, you help us continue sharing dynamic Bible teaching, uplifting music, and Christ-centered programming with Northeast Ohio and beyond! Plus, your donation may be tax-deductible. It’s a win-win! Call 855-500-RIDE (7433) or visit Heartfelt Radio Vehicle Donation Program (careasy.org)

Exclusive Offer for
Heartfelt Radio listeners!

Click on the button to receive three free copies of Dr. Stephen Davey’s Heart to Heart monthly magazine.


Heartfelt Radio is grateful for financial support from Hawkins Sales, helping WKJA reach Northeast Ohio with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Heartfelt Radio is committed to sharing the Gospel message with those who need Christ and strengthen the daily walk of those who already know Him through dynamic preaching and music that glorifies Jesus Christ. Hawkins Sales plays an important role in helping WKJA fulfill those goals.

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Mission Statement

The mission of Heartfelt Radio

Is to make Jesus Christ known-through broadcast and multimedia-to the northeast Ohio community and beyond. Our purpose is to edify, encourage, and equip believers through biblical teaching and uplifting music that glorifies God while being a resource that informs the public.


We are a listener supported radio ministry


Gifts of any amount are welcome.


“These are not only the words of Jesus found in Matthew 19:26, but also it is Ohio’s official State Motto”

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Christian Healthcare Ministries

Healthcare You Can Afford “We truly believe that when the Church comes together and carries each other’s burdens, the gates of hell cannot prevail against us. Facing a horrific health…

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"Enjoy the mix of music styles. Love the speakers."

Linda – Uniontown

"We love Heartfelt Radio! Just want to say thanks again for your amazing ministry day after day. We soak it in each day down here in Florida. 😊 Thanks for being a light in northeast Ohio and everywhere. Thank you!"

Bryan & Pam – Stuart, FL

"Thank you for the good programs you get for us. I really enjoy the Southern Gospel music and the children’s “Adventures in Odyssey”. I’m still a kid at heart."

Marie – Akron

"Thank you for excellence in Christian radio."

Jeanette – Akron

"Loving the radio station programs, especially Bible Studies with the “Nuggets” and story of hymns."

A & K – North Olmsted

"With “Heartfelt” thanks for your Christ-centered ministry!"

Brock – Marshallville

"I am so grateful to have a radio station to listen to that spreads the Good News of Jesus Christ!!"

Daniel – Orrville

"Your programs are a real blessing to me, and I enjoy telling others about your station 91.9 FM WKJA. I love the variety. I like it all!"

Donna – Massillon

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