from Trans World Radio in North Carolina
In June, Mark Zimmerman made a long-anticipated visit to Trans World Radio (TWR) in Cary, North Carolina. Heartfelt Radio teamed with TWR in 2021 on the “Radios for Africa” campaign, and Mark traveled there to get “the rest of the story” on this world-wide ministry.
In two days of Mornings with Mark & Gabe from TWR’s Studio 1, Mark got more than he imagined.
“Those broadcasts only scratched the surface.” Mark said. “TWR is bigger than many people – even Christian people – realize.”
Mark related that there are over 100 employees at the Cary location alone. Not to mention hundreds more around the world. Writing, translating, broadcasting, and engineering… some working with complete freedom to spread the Gospel, and some working in areas where the possibility of civil war, ethnic unrest, and persecution for their faith is a real possibility.
Another important part of the trip was a meeting with Dr. Stephen Davey. Heartfelt Radio listeners hear Dr. Davey every weekday with The Wisdom Journey (5:15am & 6:45pm) and Wisdom for The Heart (11:30am). Plus, WKJA carries Dr. Davey’s weekend Wisdom for The Heart program every Sunday at 2:30pm.
“Stephen was very honored that we carried the entire spectrum of his radio ministry on Heartfelt Radio.” Mark Zimmerman said. He added that Dr. Davey smiled, and said, “I just hope your listeners don’t get tired of me!”
Mark smiled and said, “I told Dr. Davey that the way he preaches, I didn’t think that would be possible.”